Hard Water is Damaging Your Curls

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Did you know that the type of water you use has a major impact on your curls?

I’m sure you’ve heard the term "hard water" thrown around before. 

If you live in an area with hard water water, then you know the damaging effects it can have on your hair, skin and household. 

Hard water is water that contains high concentrations of dissolved minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium ions.

As water travels through the earth, minerals are picked up from deposits of chalk, lime stones, and other rocks.

Take a look in your bathroom, do you tend to get white buildup around your faucets or shower heads? Or do you have especially difficult soap scum in your bathroom? If so, you likely have hard water. 

If you’re unsure, you can easily find out by using  hard water test strips.

While hard water isn’t harmful to our health, it will wreak havoc on our hair, impacting both the appearance and health of our curls. 


How Hard Water Effects Curly Hair


Buildup and Residue
The minerals in hard water can leave behind a residue on the surface of the hair shaft, leading to buildup over time. This buildup can weigh down curly hair, making it look dull and lifeless. 

Reduced Lather of Shampoo
Hard water makes it harder for your cleansing products to lather up. This means you’re using more product but your hair isn’t getting thoroughly cleaned.This leads to more residue and product buildup.

Dryness and Frizz

The mineral deposits from hard water can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and frizz. Curly hair, which is already prone to dryness, can become even more challenging to manage.

Diminished Curl Definition
Due to the added weight of mineral deposits, curly hair can lose its natural curl pattern and definition. Overtime, curls will start looking limp with less bounce.


Color Fading
If you color your curly hair, hard water can contribute to color fading. The minerals can cause oxidative stress on colored hair, leading to faster color loss.


Difficulty in Styling
Hard water can make it more challenging to style your curls as the minerals interfere with the absorption of styling products, making it difficult to achieve the desired look.


Increased Porosity
Hard water can contribute to increased porosity of the hair shaft, making it more susceptible to damage and breakage.


Tips for Managing Hard Water


Use Clarifying Shampoos
About once a week, use a gentle clarifying shampoo like the Volume Shampoo to help remove mineral buildup from hard water. These shampoos are designed to deep-clean and remove residue. Chelating agents are found in some clarifying shampoos, like the Volume Shampoo, which bind to minerals and remove them from the hair. Look for products containing EDTA or citric acid.


Vinegar Rinse
Rinse your hair weekly with apple cider vinegar to help break down mineral deposits, soothe an irritated scalp and restore shine. Dilute one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water in an applicator bottle. After shampooing, pour the solution over your hair while massaging it into the scalp. Let sit for 2-3 minutes then rinse. Follow up with a deep conditioner. 


Filtered Shower heads
Install a shower head with a built-in water filter to reduce the impact of hard water on your hair.


Always Deep Condition
Use deep conditioning treatments to restore moisture to your curls. This is especially important because hard water exposure leads to dryness. The Deep Repair Treatment uses sunflower oil and malachite to restore moisture, while protecting the hair from environmental stressors.


Apply a Leave In Conditioner
Incorporating a  leave-in conditioner to your curl regimen will provide additional moisture and protect your hair from the effects of hard water. The Emergency Miracle Treatment fights frizz, prevents and repairs damage using silk proteins and serecite mica. These ingredients keep hair manageable and moisturized. 


If you live in an area with hard water, adapting your hair care routine to address its specific challenges can help keep your curly hair healthy and vibrant. Consider experimenting with different products and techniques to find what works best for your unique hair needs.

Volume Shampoo
Hair ConcernsMirna Norales