Keratin Treatments Fixed Her Hair Porosity

Benefits of Keratin Treatments for Hair Porosity

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In this video I did  a Cezanne Keratin Treatment on my client.

This was actually our first appointment together. I've done a keratin treatment on her hair at least one other time since this recording.

We've both noticed such a huge Improvement in her hair's porosity and texture since getting keratin treatments and I just wanted to share our results. 

Take a look at her before, you can see that her hair is more wavy than it is curly. It’s not very well defined because she has a ton of frizz. This is because she has high porosity hair.

You can barely see what her curl pattern looks like, and this is her hair sopping wet. Unmanageable, frizzy hair is ultimately why we’re doing a keratin treatment on her hair. Her desired results are smooth, well defined waves with less frizz.

What is Hair porosity? 

Hair porosity is your hair's ability to absorb and retain water. This is important for curly hair because curly hair thrives off of water.

Hair porosity is categorized into low, normal, and high porosity. It's so important to understand the characteristics of hair porosity because with each porosity comes a unique set of hair care needs that you have to address.

In case you don't know what your hair porosity is, I'm just going to run through them quickly so you can see where you identify.

Low Porosity Hair

When you have low porosity hair that means your hair cuticle layer is tightly packed together

making it so difficult for moisture to penetrate into your hair. Water tends to bead up on the surface rather than being absorbed into the hair. 

Your hair may take forever to get fully wet and saturated while washing and your hair products have a tendency to sit on top of your hair rather than be absorbed. This often leads to a ton of product buildup and greasy looking hair. 

High Porosity Hair

Now let’s talk about the next extreme, which is high porosity hair. It is the complete opposite of low porosity hair, meaning that the cuticle layer is hanging wide open. The holes and gaps along the hair strand allow water to enter and leave the hair strand easily, making it hard to maintain moisture.  

High porosity hair may feel rough or dry to the touch.  High porosity hair is very prone to frizz, tangles and breakage.

As I mentioned earlier, my client has high porosity hair which is why she has a ton of  frizz and tangles. Those cuticle layers are wide open that the hair is rubbing against itself, becoming dry rough.

Unmanageable high porosity hair is usually due to external factors. In my client’s case, she was rough handling her hair while detangling. This caused damage to her cuticles and over time her hair cuticles started to open up to become high porosity hair.

Normal Hair Porosity 

Normal porosity hair is when the cuticle layer is neither too tightly packed, nor too open so hair can properly absorb and retain moisture well. Hair products are absorbed evenly and effectively

and hair tends to hold styles and has good elasticity. This is something we should all strive for. 

Before I go any further I just want to show my client's hair after processing. Compared to her before picture, you can see the huge difference that the keratin treatment made and you can see that her curls are well defined now. It's virtually frizz free.

Just imagine how much easier it will be for her to manage and style her hair now that she's not dealing with so much frizz and tangles.

What is a Keratin Treatment? 

I like to use the Cezanne keratin treatment because it uses natural plant-based ingredients that I know is going to nourish, moisturize and strengthen my client's hair. 

Keratin  is a natural protein found in our hair. It is so important because it doesn't only help fight against frizz and tangles but it strengthens our hair and its structure.

Over time, our hair naturally loses keratin protein due to environmental stressors or even through daily wear and tear. Keratin treatments are important because they infuse keratin back into our hair to strengthen and revitalize curls.  

How Keratin Treatments Improve Hair Porosity

Keratin treatment improves our hair porosity because it is a smoothing treatment. That means it is going to smooth out those cuticles and make it easier for our hair to not only absorb but retain moisture.

 If you have low porosity hair, keratin treatments are important because most protein treatments are way too heavy and contain huge molecular structures that they are unable to actually penetrate into your hair.

This means the protein treatment will just  sit on top of the cuticle, causing dryness and brittleness. This is why I love a keratin treatment, because the molecules are small enough to penetrate into your hair so that you can better absorb and retain moisture.

For high porosity hair, keratin treatments fill in the gaps along the hair strand. This helps close and strengthen the hair cuticle so that it can actually retain water. This will make managing and styling hair much easier. 

What is The Maintenance For a Keratin Treatment? 

Some people think you can just get a keratin treatment and forget about their hair, but that is not the case. When it comes to a keratin treatment, you want to make sure that you are maintaining your hair care regimen.

I recommend washing and deep conditioning your hair weekly with keratin safe products. This is important because keratin will actually wash out of your hair after about 3 to 6 months, depending on the formula used.

In order to maintain your results, you want to make sure you're opting for products that will prolong the effects of the treatment.

I've done keratin treatments on both low and high porosity hair, and in our experience you don't have to go in with a different protein afterwards. The keratin treatment is enough to get you through 3 months. All you have to do is maintain your weekly moisture routine.

I promise if you stay consistent with your hair care routine, your hair will grow. I've seen it across many of my keratin treated clients. The keratin treatment makes your hair so strong and manageable that retaining length actually becomes easy.

Here are my client's results after her first keratin treatment. Look at how healthy, strong and shiny her hair looks. This is after only one keratin treatment.

I've already done another  treatment on her hair after this recording and she said her hair has done a complete 180. Her hair is so healthy and manageable because she's not dealing with a ton of frizz and tangles anymore. The treatment has definitely leveled out her hair porosity. 

Alright y'all, it's been a blast.  Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube Channel, comment and like!

Until then, I'll catch you on the next one, bye!

Service: Cezanne Smoothing Keratin Treatment

Need more help with your curls?

Products for Keratin Maintenance

Curl Revival System
Sale Price: $97.00 Original Price: $110.00

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